Looking for NY Auto Insurance Quotes?

Looking for NY Auto Insurance Quotes?

If you live in the Empire State, you know driving here isn’t always easy. Harsh winters and heavy traffic can make for hard driving conditions. That’s why it’s important to try and get the best car insurance in NY. We’re proud to offer our customers coverage they know they can trust. If you’re looking for car insurance quotes in NY, the AARP® Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford might be just what you need.1 We’ve been partnering with AARP since 1984, providing high-quality car insurance to New York members and families.

Whether you’re exploring the natural beauty of the Adirondacks, enjoying a wine tasting in the Finger Lakes, or having a day in the city, car insurance from the AARP Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford can give you the protection you need to feel secure.

With high customer ratings for claim service, we’re proud to earn a reputation for integrity and trust over the years.* We’re here for you if you’re searching for auto insurance quotes in NY or need coverage to help protect you on the roads.

What’s the Best Car Insurance in New York?

Best car insurance in NY To get the best car insurance in New York, you need to find what best suits your needs. We work with our customers to make sure they have car insurance coverage that allows them to feel protected whenever they’re behind the wheel. We will also work to get you as many discounts as possible. As a New York driver, you could be eligible for several valuable benefits from the AARP Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford, such as:

Proof of Car Insurance in New York

If you’re a licensed driver in New York, it’s smart to keep a copy of your car insurance ID card in your vehicle with your registration. New York does accept electronic proof of car insurance, and we’ve made it easy for AARP members to show theirs from their phone. With The Hartford mobile app, you can store your ID cards right on your smart device. For more information, download it today in the Google Play StoreTM or App Store.TM

Required New York Car Insurance Coverages

In New York, drivers are required to carry bodily injury liability and property damage liability insurance. These help pay for another person’s property damage or medical expenses if you’re at-fault for an accident. The required state minimum coverage limits are:2

  • $25,000 for bodily injury, $50,000 for a death of a single person per accident
  • $50,000 for bodily injury $100,000 for death of two or more passengers per accident
  • $10,000 for property damage per accident

You may want to get more protection when it comes to bodily injury and property damage liability coverages. If the total cost of damages exceeds your liability limits, you’re responsible for paying the difference. That’s why it’s important to get the right amount of coverage. You may also want personal injury protection (PIP) coverage, also known as no-fault insurance because New York also has no-fault coverage laws. This means every driver has to file a claim with their insurance company after an accident, regardless of who caused it.

New York Uninsured Motorist Facts

Of all the drivers in New York, 6.1% don’t have insurance, according to the most recent Insurance Research Council report.3 While this is well below the national average of 13%, it’s still important to make sure you and your loved ones have protection against uninsured motorists in the state. Without it, if you get in a motor vehicle accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver, you’d have to pay for damages and medical bills out of pocket.

New York requires drivers to carry underinsured/uninsured motorist insurance coverage. The minimum coverage amounts are:4

  • $25,000 per person
  • $50,000 per accident

When you get a quote, we’ll factor the minimum requirements into your policy. As with bodily injury and property damage liability coverage, you can get more protection for uninsured motorist insurance.

How Much Is Car Insurance in NY?

How much is car insurance in NY The III found the average cost of car insurance in New York was $1,425 in 2018. Remember, your car insurance rate is specific to you, so you may find your rate in New York is lower or higher than the average. Getting a quote gives you an accurate cost for auto insurance.

Learn more about the average cost of car insurance.

Your car insurance cost is unique. Insurance companies look at different factors, which can contribute to your overall cost. These include your:

  • Driving history, because a record of claims will likely increase your policy rate.
  • Zip code, since an area with more drivers, like New York City, can increase your risk of a car accident.
  • Car make, model and year because certain styles and newer cars can cost more to insure.

Insurers can also look at your credit scores when deciding whether to accept or deny your application for auto insurance in New York. State law, however, doesn’t allow insurance companies to reject your application just based on your credit information alone.

Our specialists can help you get the right coverages at the right price. Get your car insurance quote today.

Additional New York Car Insurance Coverages Available to Drivers

Every driver is unique. You can customize your coverage to get the best car insurance in NY that meets your needs. As an AARP member, you may be eligible for additional car insurance coverages to give you more protection. With the AARP Auto Insurance Program from The Hartford, you can add:

  • Comprehensive with full glass coverage
  • Collision coverage
  • Roadside assistance
  • Increased rental reimbursement

Staying Safe on New York Roads

New York has several safe driving laws meant to protect you as you travel throughout the state. These include:5

New York Seat Belt Laws:

New York is one of 34 states with a primary seat belt law. This means a driver or passenger can get a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt without any other traffic violation.

New York Distracted Driving Laws:

New York has a number of laws in place to discourage distracted driving, such as:

  • Using hand-held cell phones while driving
  • Banning texting and driving

New York Teen Driver Laws:

Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for most teenagers, and New York has laws to help them stay safe. The state has graduated licensing laws to help teenagers gain the experience and maturity that’s required to be safe behind the wheel. These laws:

  • Restrict the number of teen passengers
  • Limit nighttime driving
  • Ensure an adequate amount of supervised driving practice

Common Questions About Car Insurance in NY

What Is the Average Cost of Car Insurance in New York?

The III found the average cost of car insurance in New York was $1,349 in 2017. Remember, your car insurance rate is specific to you, so you may find your rate in New York is lower or higher than the average. Getting a quote gives you an accurate cost for auto insurance.

What Is the Minimum Car Insurance in NY?

The minimum car insurance coverages in NY are:6

  • $10,000 for property damage per accident
  • $25,000 for bodily injury and $50,000 for a death for a single person involved in an accident
  • $50,000 for bodily injury and $100,000 for death for two or more passengers in an accident

You’ll also need the same amount of coverage for uninsured motorist coverage.

Why Is Car Insurance So Expensive in NY?

Many factors can explain why car insurance is so expensive here. About 19 million people live in New York.7 This means there are more drivers on the road, which increases your risks of:

  • Car accidents
  • Thefts
  • Vandalism

Depending on where you live and drive in New York, these factors can impact your car insurance cost.

How Much Does It Cost to Put a New Driver on My Insurance?

Adding a new driver to your car insurance policy generally increases your rate. Since every car insurance policy is unique to the drivers, there’s not a simple answer to knowing how much it’ll cost to add a new driver to a policy. If you’re planning to make changes to your policy, contact your insurer or agent to get the most accurate price.

What Is a Total Loss in NY Car Insurance?

If your car is a total loss in car insurance, it means it costs more to fix the damages than it’s worth. If this happens in New York, you can either accept a settlement with your auto insurance company for the actual cash value or keep the car and repair it yourself.

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